Eliminate Collection Gridlock to Reduce Bad Debts Frauds are rare. If you perform an easy credit check, you will have very few out-and-out scams, which we’ll define as businesses that order your products, knowing that they will never pay you. The odds of getting your money in these cases is nil. Chronic Slow Pays. The… Read more »
Leveraging Order-to-Cash For Shareholder Value
Improve Order-To-Cash to Increase Shareholder Value The Order-To-Cash (O2C) process is an area that that remains largely untapped by many businesses. However, smart and effective management of the O2C process could help to improve business performance and the bottom line. It is no surprise that more and more corporations are beginning to prioritize this strategy… Read more »
Automated Credit Applications
Best Practices – Online Credit Applications Credit Application Software Credit Application Systems 80% faster credit approvals 90% less manual work 5% more sales from new accounts Online credit applications are relatively new and even the simplest offer a browser-based application filled out by the customer and then processed by the creditor (but usually completed off-line,… Read more »
11 Trends in Credit Automation
Here are 11 trends you need to know about the future of credit decision automation; many of these are already available in a best-of-class risk management platform. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Robotic Process Automation to replace manual tasks and improve accuracy in B2B credit checking, the best systems can revolutionize the credit approval process for… Read more »
End of the year – Days Sales Outstanding
Well, here we are again – the end of another year. While you review your balance sheet all year, December is when you scrutinize it upside down and inside out. What did you do right throughout the year? What can be tightened up? Days Sales Outstanding – or “DSO” – is one of the metrics… Read more »
Automation For New Account Credit Applications
“Back to the Future” in Credit Management Marty McFly would recognize today’s business credit applications as going back to his grandfather’s generation. Little has changed – until now, that is. The Credit2B ECOS™ Platform changes all this, as it completely automates and accelerates the on-boarding of new customers, even integrating industry sector trade, customer trade… Read more »